At young World, we consider children as the treasure for the world because when they grow they can contribute something valuable to our community. Children learn a lot after joining pre-school school and a good start counts. They get familiar with the numbers, letters and shapes. Most importantly child learns to socialize with other children, share and contribute.
Children who attend high quality Pre-school programs come up with better reading skills, rich vocabulary and strong math skills. Sometimes by the behavior of children people are able to recognize from which school they belong to. They learn basic etiquettes from the school with good social and behavior-management skills.
Parents have to pay lump sum amount as a fee for the child’s admission or just for securing the seat in a reputed school. School is the platform where child gain a sense of self, explore, play with the other child and build confidence. In school kids discover their potential and can get the ability to do anything from small task to big task. Schools with high quality education assist children locate answers through exploration, experimentation, and conversation.
In Developing countries like Uganda were early learning provisions are in the hands of the private sector, cost is a big barrier to many parents. There are many factors due to which kid’s education is costly. Facilities, property taxes, faculty salaries as well as the support staff required to run a school which is major expenses in a school.
At young World, we know that every child deserves a good start to become a successful future learner, we are committed to make high quality services available at minimum cost. Our goal is to provide a firm foundation for students’ life-long learning. The school also aims at equipping the students with the intellectual and practical skills that are necessary to meet the challenges in the future.
Find out more from Edison, a seasoned educationist and experienced manager of networks of schools